Sunday, June 13, 2021

digital etiquete by andrew

Digital etiquette is about treating people online respectfully just as you would in real life. 

Some guideline are:

1. When you talk online, such through text platforms like twitter, you don't you don't get that visual feedback. So you should treat other people the same way you want to be treated.

2. If you are arguing about something online don't let your emotions make you say or do bad things. Stay calm at all times. For example, if you disagree with a friend, or you have strong feelings about a topic in person you wouldn't go straight to insulting and yelling. So you should  do the same online.

3. The internet is a public place so don't post embarrassing secrets of your friends. 

4. Don't cyber bully people, cyber bullying is bullying people online.

5. Don't write in all capital letters because people will feel like you are shouting.


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